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CWPS Plays It Safe in the Water

In February, Wolfdene sponsored Cranbourne West Primary School’s water safety excursion at Bonbeach.

Run by Life Saving Victoria, the Multicultural Beach Program was a great way to educate students on life saving techniques and water safety messages.

The program offered a practical approach to familiarising students with the beach environment through enjoyable educational activities.

With the action being spread over two beautiful summer days, approximately 170 students had the opportunity to get out in the sunshine and gain valuable lifelong skills such as identifying dangers and even how to perform water rescues and basic first aid.

Concluding each day with a game of soccer, the aim for those involved was simply to enjoy the beach environment safely and actively with friends. 

“This was a great excursion because we all worked together and learnt how to be safe and do stuff at the beach… we had great fun,” said a CWPS student.